Thompson Reviews

Family Friendly Reviews

Pyramid, Macaulay

David Macaulay is well known among educators for his books which educate the reader on the intricacies of subjects such as Medieval fortresses, New England mills and cathedrals.  One of his early works is his classic book on the pyramids.
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Jesus Camp Movie Review

What do Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Republicans, Air America Radio, anti-abortion protests and pre-teen children all have in common?  They are central to the focus of Jesus Camp, the new movie produced by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady.  In early October, I was able to see Jesus Camp playing in Knoxville.  Here are my thoughts on the movie and its impact.

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mobiBLU DAH-1500i MP3 Player and Recorder

mobiBLU MP3 PlayerWhen a company makes a claim that they have the world’s smallest MP3 player, you begin to expect a lot from the total package.  We reviewed the mobiBLU DAH-1500i.  Its performance is impressive.  The drawbacks are based on user preferences.
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DirecTV 30 Day “Free” Trial Goes Sour

What started off as an opportunity to try DirecTV “free” for 30 days with no obligation turned out to cost more time, energy and emotional stress than the service was ever worth.  If you have ever considered doing business with DirecTV, you would do well to read this review before calling the number or signing the dotted line.
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Linksys Wireless-G WVC200 Camera

Have you ever wanted to have your own webcam with audio?  Do you have a desire to be able to monitor your property or business remotely for security purposes?  The Linksys WVC200 camera has some great features — and some big drawbacks.
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Really Cool Soccer Video Clips

Check out these soccer video clips for some great goals, magic moves and tremendous touches.

BOOOOOOOM – If only I could kick this hard.

Less Than Entirely Sanctified, Hall

Cartoon and comic books have always been enjoyable to me.  Religious-themed books are humorous simply because there is so much that goes on in and around church that is funny.  Doug Hall’s book takes a look at church in a way that allows for laughter without inviting sacrilege.

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A Fine and Pleasant Misery, McManus

It was my brother who first introduced me to Patrick McManus stories way back when he was regularly published in Field and Stream Magazine.  This collection contains some of his early, and, in my opinion, most humorous works.

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The Healing Power of Pollen, Hanssen

What is pollen? Can it really make you healthier? Do bees get hay fever? What are the health benefits of royal jelly? These are the kind of questions that come to mind when people think about the products that come from the honey bee. We review the book and provide some answers here.
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A Review of Rhea’s Entrepreneur Days in Nashville

Wow!  What a conference!  That would be one way of describing Rhea's Entrepreneur Days held in Nashville, TN August 3-6.  We provide a review of the conference speakers so you can determine whether or not this conference would be of use to you in advancing your own financial goals.  Speakers included Joel Comm ("Dr. Adsense"), John Taylor Gatto, Bob Circosta of the Home Shopping Network, Adam Ginsberg (Titanium Power Seller on Ebay), David Hancock of Morgan James Publishing, and others.  (NOTE:  If you attended a workshop and are willing to review it, please contact us.) 
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